Martin Berger

My Google Scholar
Pydrofoil: accelerating Sail-based instruction set simulators (with C. F. Bolz-Tereick, L. Panayi, F. McKeogh, T. Spink)
Improving Memory Dependence Prediction with Static Analysis (with L. Panayi, R. Gandhi, J. Whittaker, V. Chouliaras, P. Kelly)
LTL learning on GPUs (with M. Valizadeh, N. Fijalkow)
Correct and Optimal: the Regular Expression Inference Challenge (with M. Valizadeh, P. J. Gorinski, I. Iacobacci)
Search-Based Regular Expression Inference on a GPU (with M. Valizadeh)
A modest proposal: explicit support for foundational pluralism (with D. P. Mulligan)
ALARM: Active LeArning of Rowhammer Mitigations (with A. Naseredini, M. Sammartino, S. Xiong)
Systematic Analysis of Programming Languages and Their Execution Environments for Spectre Attacks (with A. Naseredini, S. Gast, M. Schwarzl, P. M. Sousa Bernardo, A. Smajic, C. Canella, D. Gruss)
A Program Logic for Fresh Name Generation (with H. P. Eliott)
Asynchronous Sessions with Implicit Functions and Messages (with A. Jeffery)
Foundations of meta-programming
Modelling homogeneous generative meta-programming (with L. Tratt, C. Urban)
Cathoristic logic: A modal logic of incompatible propositions (with R. Prideaux Evans)
Process Types as a Descriptive Tool for Interaction (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
Program Logics for Homogeneous Meta-Programming (with L. Tratt)
Completeness and Logical Full Abstraction in Modal Logics for Typed Mobile Processes (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
Program Logics for Sequential Higher-Order Control
Timed, Distributed, Probabilistic, Typed Processes (with N. Yoshida)
Distributed Liveness and Timers for Mobile Processes (with N. Yoshida)
Logical Reasoning for Higher-Order Functions with Local State (with N. Yoshida, K. Honda)
Descriptive and Relative Completeness of Logics for Higher-Order Functions (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
A Logical Analysis of Aliasing in Imperative Higher-Order Functions (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
An Observationally Complete Program Logic for Imperative Higher-Order Functions (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
Control in the π-Calculus (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
Basic Theory of Reduction Congruence for Two Timed Asynchronous π-Calculi
Genericity and the π-Calculus (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
Linearity and Bisimulation (with N. Yoshida, K. Honda)
(Almost) Every Process Calculus has a Compositional and Fully Abstract Encoding into π-Calculi
Strong Normalisation in the π-Calculus (with N. Yoshida, K. Honda)
Sequentiality and the π-Calculus (with K. Honda, N. Yoshida)
Towards Abstractions for Distributed Systems
The Two-Phase Commit Protocol in an Extended π-Calculus (with K. Honda)
2003 interview with Robin Milner
S-REPLS 9, May 2018